I can imagine the excitements pondering among thousands of hearts as is reflected from the messages and wishes cross fired among each others in facebook. May all those love birds find their love they wished for, may all the heartless souls implant the feeling of love and affection in the world and society characterised by hatred and violence. Well, for me, may this V-day be the means to grow love within me to be awarded to someone who deserves and to get the same from someone worth deserving.
Mind is the same after hibernating from seven hours of sleep. Was thinking to be pessimist in thoughts but nothing pessimism emerged out of me, or I didn't feel like reflecting even if existent- God knows. I am wondering if this V-Day is holding any significance to my life. Without question, it is always good to celebrate love, to feel its rhythm and to sink in its glorious feelings. Love can be a means to find way to our distorted journeys, to implant positives within ourselves and to curb loneliness. But, my conscience and experience says that a true love should start from hearts than heads. Love someone's attitudes not their attention-seeking complexions. Beauty may fade away with time but the beauty of one's soul is eternally pure and worth concerning about.
This V-Day has not left me untouched inducing me to find my love for someone/something. Someone may be a history but something is a mystery. I would try loving the works I do, cheering for accomplishments I make and try finding the true love I wish for, a love involving hearts, pure and fresh enough to bring fascination and deep attraction between both of us. I would indeed be ready to sacrifice my pleasures and tears to make that true love happy, would march millions of steps forward for a single step she approaches towards me. After-all, calm appears when storms are past, love will have its hour at last....Happy St. Valentine's Day to all the love birds.
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