Single world, billions of people, millions of characters. In this unfathomable vastness, finding a reasonable character, a good human being is few and far between. Stumbling along this immensity of characters, we do sometimes wallop against those scarce souls-wide and pure enough to soften even the strongest of hearts. Humanity has not died yet.
Talked to my vauju yesterday. A new member of my family, recently wed with my brother. Had heard enough of her pristine personality but the conversation made me crystal clear about her crystalline character. It was only my 4/5th conversation but made me feel as if she is known to me since ages. Now I feel the pleasure to be called Dewar/Babu. My happiness knew no bounds to talk to her. Ever smiling and cheerful, caring, outspoken, great sense of humour- a perfect blend of everything. I have seen many characters in the relative circle but the first impression I got about her is grand.
The first thing that had struck me about her was the picture she had taken with my mom during the wedding day after she entered our world, with her hands rested on my mom's shoulder. I thought that to be daring and friendly though interpretations may vary. The care she shows towards me while talking is overwhelming. I asked her how much my brother loves her and shared that he doesn't look like he loves someone deeply. I was awe-struck by her reply. 'I am only the one to experience his love which others may not know or see for being the closest to him'. She burst into smiles and so did I.
She has seen me in web-cam twice. The second time she saw me, she was complaining that I might have lost my weight and had noticed dark spots under my eyes. My mom had also complained but she proved more precise in speculation. I could sense the care unfolding from within her which was not an expression of formality to any extent. I tried to convince her that I was the same and that might be due to my long hairs. She couldn't believe and was telling me to be more attentive towards health. She was indeed right as I was in fact under pressure-work loads and unbalance in diet.
She was also lamenting for not having a sister who could be my partner and was dying to see my marriage ceremony. The closeness she has with my mom freshens me everytime I miss my family. In fact, I sometimes worried about her, coming to a new world, leaving parents, her homeland. I wonder if we could retain her happiness, to leave no stones unturned to fulfil her wishes. She brought new excitement to my family and I am privileged to get her as my vauju. My mom complains me that she doesn't allow her to do a single stuff, does all by herself. Lucky indeed is my bro.
hope you will also find someone exactly like her .......... who will be the member of your family and refreshes your life and restart it all over again...........
hehe...thanks. Difficult but not impossible. Well..I have left the task to one of my friends..hope she finds one for me...lol..
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