The reason behind my cool, calm and introvert nature might be the environment where I was brought up. Being born in a place, literally uninhabitable, hundreds of miles away from the roads desolated from all modern wonders of the world, I turned out to be reasonably shy and found myself closer with nature and its serenity. Still, I prefer to wonder along the rainforests in Amazon rather venturing along concrete jungles in New York or Las Vegas. I can remember those tranquil lakes, deep forests, snow capped hills around which I learned the first alphabets.
The thing that often disguises me about childhood is the difference in experience about it. I hear people saying childhood to be free of tensions, an escape from all the responsibilities characterised by playful, carefree life. But, even the childhood was a bit bothersome for me. I could sense responsibilities, the high expectations to do well in exams and so forth. The reason again, may be my confinement into my own little world, not fusing with friends and acquaintances. I compare today's children with me as a child. The difference is mighty.
I sometimes think I needed to be a naturalist. I could spend hours watching documentaries on animals and nature. Whenever a foreign channel would broadcast a film on Nepal's nature and wildlife, I would cancel all my works, calling everyone around to watch. I could spend whole day watching the pigeons at my house, noticing each of their movements and their way of living. I could have garnered such hobbies from my dad who is as cool as a cucumber, loves nature, wildlife and its serene beauty. I would love to spend my retired ageing life enjoying the scenic grandeurs and natural beauty probably along South American pampas, Alaskan hills or European countryside.
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