There also comes a time in life, the period filled with gloom, despair and helplessness. The heart begs and pleads for something but the inner instincts fail to take the timely decision. This helplessness leads into the arena where one has no choice but to act as a mere spectator, to see the tears rolling down but failing to stop the flow though wanting to.
The past memories bring delight and ecstasy. The nostalgia of togetherness pomp the heart with excitement and rejuvenation. At least for a second or two, the tears-the outcome of sadness convert into the tears of blissfulness. The drama ends with the heart ripped off, the aspirations dashed, dreams shattered and the lonesome days in horizon. The insult is further added to the injury by more dramatic misfortunes, ill-fated and wretched journeys in sight.
Who is the winner or the loser in this dramatic array of events? None is the answer. But the only way to overcome this grief-stricken time is to conquer it. On one hand there is an utter desire, the will for ultimate unison, overcoming the hindrances. On the middle lies the obstructive wall-impenetrable and immensely thick wall. The other side is the bystander mesmerised by the immense beauty but in an utter dilemma to reach into it owing to a number of stumbling blocks and barriers. The outcome: unknown, the only way ahead-Wait and Watch! Congratulation to the time for getting ahead-far ahead, leaving the followers in agony. Commiserations to the players of the drama with due and heartly respect to the one who sacrifices more, who lets go more tears in this tragical analogy. The bystander would forever be in the debt of honour and gratitude for the former.
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