Just read a news story on the Times about a Heitian girl being rescued from rubble from astounding 15 days of burial underneath her collapsed building. Her picture reflected an amalgamation of joy and ecstasy overshadowed by her lifeless body barely strong enough to blink her eyes. I could not stop myself but wonder how she could bear the burnt of the devastation of such an unimaginable scale. Faith, self-confidence and an immense will to survive might be the reasons that made her survive. Its vague to imagine the vastness of her thoughts during the period. Darkness, extreme pain, uncertainty of existence..even the masculine muscle would find it despairingly painful simply to think of, not to mention the experience.
I would like to compare here my fate with that of millions of starving stomachs, thousands of amputated limbs, millions of miseries. We people always grumble and complain about inferiority and feel disadvantaged to a number of spheres of life. We go to temples only to make our divines listen to our woes but forget the pain of millions. We have become so selfish and self absorbed to our lives that we care none but ourselves. Our eyes enjoys the sight of irrelevant things but doesn't bother to stare and think of the shrunken body of a starving child.
I can remember at least a couple of incidents when I could sense trickle of tears roll down my spirit. I can remember an old man carrying a huge sack of vegetables twisting and tumbling on the way. I remember a blind man walking along the lanes as a vendor selling scented sticks. I think of those number of porters with torn and dirty but glorious looking typical Nepali caps, waiting in vain for potential customers, far from their families. I am not glorifying myself expressing my judgemental thoughts, but can at least pride in feeling their anxieties within. People today have no time just even to think of their anguish and wretchedness. They think it is the outcome of destiny, the fate being written in advance. One is not born affluent or miserable. Some enjoy the competitive advantage while others are helpless to shape their stumbling paths. Lets think as a rational human being.
In between of nowhere i wanna say something with you. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .you must be thinking what it could be. . . . . .dont worry its something good about you. . . . . . . . .talking with you i have realised one should never judge a book by its cover. Dont ask me what i am trying to say you understand it the way you want to.
O...I was frightened and terror-struck when you paused trying to say something....haha...Thanks Goodness!!!..My speculation turned otherwise..Well..is that a comical comment?? I guess I am an interesting book with a good cover..unlike what you might have thought of...You sound as if I am a good book with old funny cover...think need to present myself before you..haha..never mind..
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